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  1. I just wanted to share my experience with seeing Jennifer. I have been seeing her for about 2 years, and she has been amazing. She has helped me through many physical, mental, and spiritual issues. She is very intuitive and focuses on what I need individually. Prior to seeing Jennifer, I had seen many different massage therapists and my experience was always the same. Yes, my muscles felt more relaxed. Yes, they focused on each part of my body, in a predictable, rhythmic order. However, I have found that nothing has measured up to Jennifer’s individualized sessions and caring for my specific needs. She has truly transformed so many aspects of my life and in turn, I have been able to experience life in a new light. I love the focus I receive on mind/body connections, which is what most helps me in my life. She is absolutely wonderful and I would encourage anyone looking for individualized work to experience her methods, at least a few times to get a feel for how this may help you in your daily life or on your overall life journey.

    December 30th, 2010